Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I feel like learning something from the 'Karate Kid'

We have learned quite a bit about Japanese sports recently, and it got me thinking about the movie ‘The Karate Kid’. We can learn so much from Mr. Miyagi! Here are a few of his quotes from the movie. Haven’t seen the movie? Lucky its on NETFLIX!

“It’s ok to lose to opponent. It’s never okay to lose to fear"
What it means for us: Give your best when you are learning, you might lose but at least you did your best and that's what matters. When you lose to negative thoughts like fear, you aren't able to give your best, so you already lost before even learning. Keep trying guys! Believe me I know its hard.

"You trust the quality of what you know, not quantity."
What it means for us: What matters is the content and how deep you know it, not how many things you know. Remember, as your teacher, I would rather you know how to pronounce one word well then get 5 words incorrect. Then again, it’s all about having a go!

"Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home. Understand?"
What it means for us: Balance is a double meaning word, you need balance to stand up and not fall, but you need balance in your life areas, or else your life will become unstable. Like too many nuggets is bad, too much Xbox is bad. Find a good balance.

“First learn stand, then learn fly. Nature rule Daniel san, not mine”
What it means for us: Don't rush things, don't try to learn everything once, don't try to go to the next level, when you haven't mastered the level you are on. You need to learn the basics so you can get to the more difficult levels. Think Xbox games!

"Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so," (get squished) just like grape."
What it means for us: If you 're going to do it, do it to the fullest or don't do it at all. Put full effort on everything you do. Think about the growth mindset learning you have done so far!

"If come from inside you, always right one."
What it means for us: Trust your instincts!

“Man who catch fly with chopstick, accomplish anything.”
What it means for us: Difficult skills require a mix of patience, focus and planning. Qualities required to accomplish anything.

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