Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I feel like goal setting- The Japanese way!

Goals hey?! Goal setting is important guys, I can feel your eye-rolls through the screen BTW.

Just think about it though, everything we love in this world was someones goal at some point.

For example, it was the goal of Colonel Sanders to create delicious nuggs AANNDD how much do we appreciate his goal right now? 

"What have nuggs got to do with Japanese Sensei?"
(I just read your brains just then by the way...)


Japanese people traditionally eat KFC on Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve, KFC queues will go out the store and down the road, and those unlucky enough not to pre-order their special chicken buckets a month in advance may have to go without KFC’s signature blend of 11 herbs and spices..and they will not be able to say “Kurisumasu ni wa kentakkii!” (“Kentucky for Christmas!”) Chistmas will be ruined!!!

Anyway back to the lesson on goal setting...you have goals right?

Well the Japanese have a very special way of goal setting using the Daruma Doll.

Check out the link below to see how they are made:

Here they are in the market place:

The doll is based the popular Japanese proverb (and my favorite quote of all time)
"Nanakorobi yaoki" (Please try saying it for me) it means
"Fall down seven times, stand up eight."

Here are my dolls

You might have some goals you might like to achieve when you are at home. Maybe tidy your room? Learn to make cupcakes? Finish that Lego set your family got you last Christmas? Learn the times table, you know those really tricky ones?... or even, maybe, READ OUR BLOG!



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