Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I feel like cooking..Well maybe not this

Following up from my previous blog entry on eating bugs... here is a


I couldn't resist posting this up. To be honest I'm a bit grossed out by it all but I still felt the need to share. 
This is from Cookpad, Japan’s largest recipe sharing website. 
Just in case your collect a sack full of grasshoppers when you go outside, here’s a recipe you can use to make them into healthy granola bars!


100 rice grasshoppers
5 ½ oz granola
5–6 large marshmallows
3 ½ oz peanut butter with honey

Leave rice grasshoppers in a bag for a day to let them poop. Put them in the freezer to kill them.
Stir-fry grasshoppers until they get crispy. Remove legs and antennae, if burnt.
Microwave marshmallow and peanut butter to melt. Mix with granola and rice grasshoppers.
On parchment paper, mold the "dough" into a large granola bar shape. Spread grasshoppers around evenly, and press the dough so there are no spaces.
Set in fridge to chill. Cut into pieces, and enjoy!
  Who else feels sick? I kinda do. At the end of the day we are learning about Japanese culture, and a part of their culture is to eat bugs and share bug recipes. We must accept that and celebrate that,even if we do think it's a bit strange.

Still feel like nuggs though. 

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