Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I like feel like eating some insects

Please don't.

Well don't go out in your garden and start eating random bugs and tell your family that I told you to! 

APPARENTLY bugs are delicious, but eating them has other benefits too. Many experts are call edible insects the "food of the future" because of their high nutritional value, rapid reproduction, and fast growth rate. The Japanese LOVE them!

Some reasons people bug out:

Cost Effectiveness (Cheap): According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), bugs offer the same amount of protein as pork, chicken, and lamb.

Fast Growth: Insects grow fast!  For example, cows take at least 2-3 years to grow big enough before we can eat them, most bugs take less than six months.

Health Benefits: Not only are insects sustainable, they’re highly nutritious. The FAO recommends edible insects as a healthy food source with high fat, protein, vitamin, fiber, and mineral content. All the good stuff basically.

Promotes Long Life (Maybe): Although it’s not scientifically proven, eating insects for food may help you live longer. Nagano, the area that eats the most bugs in Japan, is also the area with highest life expectancy. Not a sure thing, but it could be true…

Click here to see a Japanese guy cooking bugs

Well I shouldn't say "some guy" his name is Mr. Uchiyama. He is a world famous bug chef and leader of the "bug eating movement.

In the video above, the group makes three different bug dishes:
1. Fluffy Omelette Rice of Bee Larvae 
2. Potato Salad with Giant Water Bug 
3. Baby Ant Minestrone 

Here is his website full of his bug recipes


Don't know about you, but I'll stick to my nuggs.


  1. Hahaha I can't believe it actually worked though! You must of worked it out as soon as you got home! You TOLD the class you would be first!! Hahahah 10/10
