Monday, June 15, 2020

I feel like making a Japanese Torri gate on Minecraft

I feel like animal donuts

I feel like.. Oh wow

I feel like learning how To get Japanese Switch Games (ANY REGION) Step-By-Step Guide!!

I feel like seeing the Sonic Cafe in Tokyo

I feel like learning Japanese through video games

So do I. Here are some suggested games.

Suggested games
Since we are all beginners, I suggest you to start with these titles:

Pokémon (Nintendo consoles)
The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo consoles)
Ni No Kuni (Playstation 3)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Nintendo 3DS)
Yōkai Watch (Nintendo 3DS)
Persona 5 (Playstation 4)

Even if you can’t get a Japanese copy of the game (or in case your console is region locked), all the games I mentioned allow you to set Japanese audio and subtitles, allowing you to improve your listening and comprehension skills. Yay.

Video games like The Legend of Zelda and Pokémon have interactive dialogues, where the player can choose when to go on with the conversation. This feature will allow you to read at your own pace, allowing you to look up new words in the dictionary, therefore learning new words and expressions.

Recurring words

Before the start

Menu メニュー menyu

Settings 設定 settei

Select 選択 sentaku

Music 音楽 ongaku

Level レベル reberu

Easy 簡単 kantan

Difficult 難しい muzukashii

During the game

Start 開始 kaishi

Fight 戦う tatakau

Attack 攻撃 kougeki

Save セーブ sebu

Quit 終了 shuuryou

Continue 続きtsuzuki

Characters and locations

Character 人物 jinbutsu

Soldier 兵士 heishi

Warrior 武士 bushi

Traveler 旅人 tabibito

Pirate 海賊 kaizoku

Enemy 敵 teki

Ally 味方 mikata

Monster 魔物 mamono or 化け物 bakemono

Fairy 妖精 yousei

Dragon 龍 ryuu

Spirit 精霊 seirei

Soul 魂 tamashi

Castle 城 shiro

City 町 machi

Shop 店 mise

Island 島 shima

Temple 寺院 jiin

Kingdom 王国 oukoku

World 世界 sekai

Plot and items

Story 物語 monogatari

Legend 伝説 densetsu

Adventure 冒険 bouken

Danger 危険 kiken

Strength 力 chikara

Health 体力 tairyoku

Magic 魔法 mahou

Item アイテム aitemu or 道具 dougu

Chest 宝箱 takarabako

War 戦争 sensou

Weapon 武器 buki

Sword 剣 ken

Bow 弓 yumi

Armor 鎧 yoroi

Sunday, June 14, 2020

I feel like listening to the sound a pika makes

The name “Pikachu” is a combination of a couple of Japanese onomatopoeia. The first part, “Pika”, refers to a flash of light (that pretty much explains the electric-ability part), while the second portion, “Chu”, refers to the squeaking noise that mice make.

I feel like using objects to create some hiragana

I feel like practicing Kanji numbers 1-10

I feel like creating a Japanese castle in Minecraft

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I feel like reminding myself to use my growth mindset

Ganbaru (頑張る) is often described as “doing one’s best,” “persevering,” or even “toughing it out.” 

We used ink and calligraphy brushes to "do our best" writing. It was very tricky, but we persevered! 

I feel like relaxing

I feel like looking at our koinobori 鯉のぼり

Here are some of our koinobori 鯉のぼり ("carp streamers) we created this week to celebrate Children's Day (Kodomo no Hi, 子供の日).

I feel like finding out Dragon Ball Z Kanji

So I wore my Dragon Ball Z t-shirt to school today. 

Goku's kanji, 悟, pronounced Go (meaning "wisdom" or "enlightenment") is the kanji that Goku adopts after his training in preparation for the upcoming battles on Namek.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

I feel like finding out how Sumo wrestlers keep fit

I feel like using my Nintendo Switch to practice my Japanese Kanji

What a great idea! 

Greco's Hall of Kanji 

I feel like playing Mario Fukuwarai

Go Nintendo released a Mario version of the Japanese game fukuwarai we've played at school. Follow the links to print out a copy. Cut out the facial features and remember no peeking through your blindfolds! 

Your'e welcome!

Monday, April 6, 2020

I feel like guessing who the teacher was that made this Pokemon card

I'm not kidding, he read our blog and sent it to me 😁

I feel like making myself as a Pokemon card because that would literally be amazing

I feel like creating a Japanese house in Minecraft

I have actually heard this sooo many times! Nice try...but this time....

I will allow it...

In fact... I will encourage it

I feel like listening to that greeting song that you made us sing over and over and over again

Lucky you, I have put it up too!

Don't all say domo all at once now.

I feel like introducing myself in Japanese

Who else feels like buying a pair of  bunny ears....? 

K its just me then 🤷‍♀️

Please treat me favorably 

I feel like practicing my Katakana

Me ☝

Your link 👇

I feel like creating my own Pokédex of insects I find the yard

That would be amazing! If you don't want to go outside, how about you grab all the soft toys or figurines in the house and do the same kid of thing, or your pets, or family!

Hahahah! Ok so you need to take some photos first then see if you can add:


Oh wow your'e doing math all of a sudden! Oh no! all the learning! Quick go find the bathroom scales ad weigh your parents, measure their heights and think of funny abilities like cooking, vacuuming, fixing the car, watching TV, telling you to go to bed..

Here is an example:

You can use PICCOLLAGE or any other program that you can think of that might work.

Have fun!

You ☝

I feel like going on a Japanese treasure hunt

This will be an interesting experiment to see if you have anything Japanese in your homes. Before you dismiss this as another one of my crazy ideas..  Hear me out!

I just did the same and I was surprised with my list.

Green tea bags
Zelda poster
Fujitsu airconditioner
Toshiba USB
Samurai Swords (No I can't bring them into school, I've already checked)
Yoshi figurine
Pokemon guide

K now go 😎

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I feel like watching Shibya Crossing, the busiest crossing in the world

I am looking at the 'Worlds busiest crossing', and the streets are empty. Nothing at all like the picture I have shown you.

I feel like looking inside the world's biggest VR Arcade in Tokyo

I want to be here now

Friday, March 27, 2020

I feel like watching a live stream of Japans snow monkeys taking a bath

Who wouldn't want to watch them? They are pretty cute! 
The direct video link and The website are here for you 🎬

I feel like watching our favorite cyber bunny again あいうえおのうた

I hope it sticks in your head allll day. That way you will remember them  😁

I feel like learning Japanese through video games! (Zelda, part 1)

Your'e welcome 😁

I feel like making ramen noodles

Oh that would be awesome,  check with your parents  or carers first though. Maybe you could do it together. Start by looking in the pantry and fridge and then writing a list of items to buy from the shops. Click on my ramen noodle bath for the recipe link.

I feel like designing a new Japanese themed Xbox controller skin

Do it for real here 

Or copy and paste the above image into a Word document and hit print.

I feel like finding out why Xbox failed in Japan

I ❤🎮

I feel like making sushi

I feel like making a Shuriken (Ninja Star)

I feel like watching a random cartoon of Larva in sushi

I feel like using my bitmoji to describe my emotions in Japanese

Here is the link if you don't have a bitmoji account , or you have forgotten the email/password combo we created at school ttps://

We used PIC.COLLAGE to do these last year. If you don't have PIC.COLLAGE on your device, or you are using a PC, try copying and pasting your Bitmoji into a Word document.

Don't like these ideas? Think of your own and use to help you with the Hiragana translation.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

I feel like doing further research about Maneki Neko

I feel like downloading new drift car wallpapers for my device

Here you go click here 
Your'e welcome.

I feel like watching 'Spirited Away'

You won't regret it. It is the highest grossing movie from Japan of all time. That means it has made the most money in history. It has also won the most awards,  including an Oscar Award.

When you watch the movie, think about and record the answers to the questions below.

Enjoy the movie!

What kind of feelings might you have if you were moving away to a new home? Would they be positive, negative, or both?

How does Chihiro feel about moving home? How can you tell what her emotions are?

What happens during the transformation of the abandoned park into the spirit world (00:10:49 – 00:13:59)? How does Chihiro react? How does the music help to create the atmosphere?

Why do you think No Face decides to follow Chihiro? What does he want from her? How does her behavior towards him differ from how the others treat him?

How does Chihiro change during the film? What do you think she learns from her adventure?

Inspired by the animation in the film, design a spirit world version of yourself as though you were one of the guests at Yubaba’s bath house. Would you look like an animal, or be inspired by other elements in nature? 
Would you wear traditional Japanese clothing?
What special powers might you have? 
Give yourself a new spirit world name. Draw your spirit and label all the interesting things about your spirit.

I feel like watching a bunch of guys trying to pull another guy off a pole

Well then you need to check out the Japanese sport Bo-taoshi!   

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

I feel like doing some origami

I feel like drawing Pokemon

You all know I ❤ it when you draw me Pokemon. If you ever feel like drawing some Pokemon, and you are not too confident, try using a YouTube tutorial. 

I feel like learning something from the 'Karate Kid'

We have learned quite a bit about Japanese sports recently, and it got me thinking about the movie ‘The Karate Kid’. We can learn so much from Mr. Miyagi! Here are a few of his quotes from the movie. Haven’t seen the movie? Lucky its on NETFLIX!

“It’s ok to lose to opponent. It’s never okay to lose to fear"
What it means for us: Give your best when you are learning, you might lose but at least you did your best and that's what matters. When you lose to negative thoughts like fear, you aren't able to give your best, so you already lost before even learning. Keep trying guys! Believe me I know its hard.

"You trust the quality of what you know, not quantity."
What it means for us: What matters is the content and how deep you know it, not how many things you know. Remember, as your teacher, I would rather you know how to pronounce one word well then get 5 words incorrect. Then again, it’s all about having a go!

"Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home. Understand?"
What it means for us: Balance is a double meaning word, you need balance to stand up and not fall, but you need balance in your life areas, or else your life will become unstable. Like too many nuggets is bad, too much Xbox is bad. Find a good balance.

“First learn stand, then learn fly. Nature rule Daniel san, not mine”
What it means for us: Don't rush things, don't try to learn everything once, don't try to go to the next level, when you haven't mastered the level you are on. You need to learn the basics so you can get to the more difficult levels. Think Xbox games!

"Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so," (get squished) just like grape."
What it means for us: If you 're going to do it, do it to the fullest or don't do it at all. Put full effort on everything you do. Think about the growth mindset learning you have done so far!

"If come from inside you, always right one."
What it means for us: Trust your instincts!

“Man who catch fly with chopstick, accomplish anything.”
What it means for us: Difficult skills require a mix of patience, focus and planning. Qualities required to accomplish anything.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I feel like practicing some more Kanji

I must admit, this was one of the highlights this term. Writing the word for Harmony in Kanji.

Thanks to the students who wanted to share their work on our Blog. 😊

I know you might not have the special Japanese ink and calligraphy brushes at home, but you can try using runny paint (add some water into it) Try and find a really pointy paintbrush too.

If you don't have any paint you can use pencils or textas to create your kanji. If you have a paintbrush, try brushing your concrete or pavers outside with water. That way you can have some fun with water an draw them any size you like!

This one was drawn by a Year 7. (Please ignore the hand sanitizer smudge LOL😁)

I feel like re-creating the Great Wave 😊🌊