Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I feel like reminding myself to use my growth mindset

Ganbaru (頑張る) is often described as “doing one’s best,” “persevering,” or even “toughing it out.” 

We used ink and calligraphy brushes to "do our best" writing. It was very tricky, but we persevered! 

I feel like relaxing

I feel like looking at our koinobori 鯉のぼり

Here are some of our koinobori 鯉のぼり ("carp streamers) we created this week to celebrate Children's Day (Kodomo no Hi, 子供の日).

I feel like finding out Dragon Ball Z Kanji

So I wore my Dragon Ball Z t-shirt to school today. 

Goku's kanji, 悟, pronounced Go (meaning "wisdom" or "enlightenment") is the kanji that Goku adopts after his training in preparation for the upcoming battles on Namek.